
PURCELL Dido and Aeneas


A major publishing event in British music, the Purcell Society’s new edition of Dido and Aeneas radically reappraises an undisputed national treasure. Based on sources distanced in time from its first performance, previous editions relied heavily on the famed but imperfect Tenbury manuscript, while assuming on not much evidence that the opera was written for the pupils of Josias Priest’s Chelsea boarding school for girls. The fruit of four decades of evolving Purcellian studies, this new score rethinks that position, placing the drama’s provenance firmly within the sophisticated court circles of Charles II, and assessing previously overlooked and recently discovered manuscripts with a fresh eye to dating and detail. There are significant casting implications, in particular for the crucial role of the Sorceress. Moreover, the tale of scholarly detective work told in the accompanying textual apparatus should enthral all serious lovers of baroque music. This landmark edition of Dido and Aeneas will transform our view of a masterpiece, both of Purcell’s exquisite art and of the great European classical tradition.

Edited Bruce Wood
First published in 2021
Pages: 160
Format: Hardback
Dimensions (mm): 303 x 213 x 19
Weight: 796g

COD: STAPE3 Categorie: ,
Autore: PURCELL H.
Editore: STAINER
Revisore: BRUCE WOOD
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Dido and Aeneas. Riduzione canto e pianoforte. Nuova edizione critica “Purcell Society Edition”. Rilegato tela e oro


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